The Family of St. Therese of the Child Jesus was first conceived in the Philippines on May 2006 Contact Information Ms. Luisa Arnaldo Program Coordinator-Philppines Office Address: No. 53 Lirio St. Barangay Old Capitol Site, Quezon City, 1101 Philippines Mayumi cor Mahinhin Sts. Barangay UP Village, Diliman, Quezon City, 1101 Philippines (Claret Parish) Telephone Nos. : Mobile : 09999945968 Residence : 06) (02) 261 74 96 Office : (06) (02) 436-00-06 Email Address:
The Establishment
Th e Family of St. Therese of the Child Jesus was first conceived in the Philippines on May 2006 through
the instrumentality of Ms. MarivicTupaz and Fr. Tony Abuan, MS, who communicated through email with Ms.
Lisa Arnaldo, the Program Director of Claret Urban Poor Apostolate (CUPA) in Quezon City, Philippines. Th e
CUPA Director, Fr. Eduardo Apungan, CMF, accepted the project of Teresa Family and the ministry to the elderly
became one of its programs. It was named STEP or St. Th erese for the Elderly Program which was launched on
October 1, 2006.
In 2007, Deacon Vu visited for the fi rst time to see how STEP was implemented and to forge the establish
of the Family Association of St. Th erese of the Child Jesus (FAST).
In 2008, Deacon Vu with the FAST mission team of mostly Filipinos from Portland, Oregon, visited the Philip
Deacon Vu visited the Philippines every year until 2015.
In 2010, Botanical Garden, one of the communities with STEP was burned. Th is tragedy led to an oppor
for growth and expansion. Many elderly were relocated to Montalban, Rizal. STEP was extended there.
In 2011, the FAST group visited the Philippines again. Th ey went to Montalban to observe the STEP im
In 2012, a legal status was acquired through Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) registration under
the name of Teresa Charities Association of Quezon City, Inc. Teresa Charities became an independent institu
but in continuous partnership with CUPA, the Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish (IHMP), whose parish
priest was Fr. AngelitoAncla, CMF, Claret School of Quezon City, Claretian Publications, Claret Seminary , Claret
Th eology House and Lupang Pangako Parish in Payatas, Quezon City, under Fr. Ephraim Gaza, CM.
On October 2012, Deacon An Vu visited the Philippines.
In 2013,Teresa Charities extended its partnership with De La Salle University.
On February 2013, four Vietnamese sisters of the Teresa Family, namely Tam, Tinh, Duyen and Lap, were
sent to the Philippines for pastoral immersion in view of opening a religious community of Teresa Family in the
Philippines but the sisters stayed only until August 2014 and returned to Vietnam.
On November 2, 2013, the central part of the Philippines was hit by Super typhoon Yolanda or Haiyen.
Rev. An Vu visited the typhoon victims in Ormoc on December 2013 to extend help and solidarity to the victims.
In 2014, Teresa Charities held its legal offi ce at the BEC Offi ce of the IHMP.
On May 2014, Ms. Luisa Arnaldo was sent to Indonesia and East Timor, together with Fr. Renato Man
CMF, the former Provincial Superior of the Claretians in the Philippines, to explore the partnership with
the Claretian Missionaries there.
On August 2015, Teresa Charities extended its activities in Sumatra, Indonesia. And on October 2015, the
1st International Conference of the Family of St. Th erese was held in the Philippines.
On June 2016, Saints Zelle and Louise Martin Couple was established.
On March 2017, Teresa Center 2 in 1K1 Montalban started to be constructed. And on June 2017, Teresa Center
3 in Southville 8-B, Montalban, started to be renovated.
On May 8, 2017, Bishop Honesto Ongtioco, DD, aft er his pastoral visit to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Parish, wrote a letter addressed to the IHMP Parish Pastoral Council, and commended Teresa Charities as a model
ministry for the Elderly that can be duplicated in other parishes.
On May 26, 2017, Bishop HonestoOngtioco, DD, formally recognized the pastoral work of Teresa Charities
in the Diocese of Cubao.
Proposals and Suggestions
a. How to deepen the spiritual life and apostolic commitment of the members?
Study the life and spirituality of St. Th erese of the Child Jesus
Study the By-laws and Constitutions of the Family
Daily Eucharistic celebration
Daily Rosary
Daily Reading and Refl ection of the Scriptures
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at least 30 minutes daily
Sharing of faith experiences among members at least once a month
At least quarterly reception of the Sacrament of Reconciliation
On-going formation regarding mission and spirituality
Annual retreat of leaders and members
b. How to strengthen the relationship with the Bishops?
Submit a report, with pictures included, to the Bishop twice a year.
Support the programs of the parish and diocese through the attendance and participation of the mem
volunteers and benefi ciaries
Extend fi nancial support to the parish or diocese when capable
Invite the Bishop during important occasions and events
Open Teresa Family in diff erent parishes
c. How to develop the structure of governance applicable to members internationally?
Establish the Structure of Governance (General Governance to Local Governance)
(Founder/Head Servant, Consultors- Economy and Procure, Apostolate, Spirituality, Formation)
– General governance. Local: Director- Program Director- Area Coordinators- Program Team
Create a Secretariat that oversees the communication, promotions and programs of the Family
Regular updating from the Founder
Clarify the roles and functions of the co-founders and associates
Establish a Central Offi ce and centers/offi ces in diff erent areas
Establish a regular meeting of international leaders
Stabilize the economic structure and fi nancial management of the Family
Promote inter-cultural dialogue and understanding
Create a Website and Facebook Account
Publish a yearly Newsletter